Welcome to Telephonetics

Your Personal Creative Team

Professional On Hold Messaging – Dynamic Overhead Marketing – Expert Voice Talents – Experienced Scriptwriters – State of The Art Studios - Fully Guaranteed Support from Start to Finish……. We do it all!

Our Services

We create a unique process for each client to ensure that business objectives are met, success is achieved, and users are satisfied

On Hold Marketing

What are your customers listening to when they call your business? Is it the radio advertising your competition? Is it irritating looping jingles? Or worse yet, nothing at all? Professional Messaging and Music On Hold will keep your callers engaged and on the line.

Background Music

Fully Licensed, commercial free music means your customers will never be subjected to the competition’s advertising. Our Broadcast House is a digital music and commercial service for retailers, restaurants, or any other business’ audio application.

Web Audio

Adding audio to your website enhances user retention by up to 100%, guiding users through forms and providing quick introductions, product highlights, and key information, making websites more user-friendly and effective.

In-Store Radio

Deliver customized audio ads, announcements and messages through your internal paging system, enhancing the shopping experience with targeted Overhead Marketing and On-Premise Messaging.


With the Music Zeppelin app you will have access to all Music Choice commercial channels for your business

Video Production

Make Your Message On Hold Come Alive

Video marketing has emerged as an essential tool for businesses of all sizes, playing a crucial role in their promotional strategies. There’s no question that companies are experiencing significant growth through their video marketing and digital signage initiatives.

Brand Engagement To The Eyes

Video has a unique ability to engage audiences in ways that audio, photos, and text alone cannot. For businesses large and small, incorporating video into your marketing strategy adds a personal touch, showcasing the faces, voices, personality, and heart of your operation.

Add Video To Your Online Marketing

Our video production services are included with your customized On Hold Marketing package, eliminating concerns about storage and bandwidth since we host all the videos.


Capitalize on your most captive audience – your in-store clients, with your own radio station, complete with personalized commercials about your business, broadcasting directly to your customers on your premises.

Storecasting enables you to deliver customized audio ads, announcements and messages through your internal paging system, enhancing the shopping experience with targeted Overhead Marketing. These Storecasting ads/messages are integrated into the digital audio feed from our Broadcast House, equipping you with the latest in point-of-sale advertising technology.

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